PolySciTech (www.polyscitech.com) provides a wide
range of polymers including PLGA-fluorescein conjugates. The fluorescein endcap
absorbs blue colored light with a wavelength around 490 nm and then re-emits
green colored light around 525nm wavelength. The practical application of this
is that it allows for the PLGA formulation to be imaged using a fluorescent
microscope or other device so that nanoparticles generated using this PLGA can
be tracked as they flow through various systems and are uptaken into cells.
Recently researchers from Bristol University, University of Bath, and Renishaw
Plc did precisely this by combining AV01 and AV04 (PLGA-Fluorescein) along with
unstained PLGA to generate carboplatin, a chemotherapy agent, loaded nanoparticles
which could be tracked by fluorescence. They then tested these in cell culture
and rat/porcine models along with a convection enhanced delivery system to
improve delivery of carboplatin to the tumors. Read more: Arshad, Azeem, Bin
Yang, Alison S. Bienemann, Neil U. Barua, Marcella J. Wyatt, Max Woolley, Dave
E. Johnson, Karen J. Edler, and Steven S. Gill. "Convection-Enhanced
Delivery of Carboplatin PLGA Nanoparticles for the Treatment of Glioblastoma."
PLOS ONE 10, no. 7 (2015): e0132266. http://dx.plos.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0132266
You can see all articles referencing PolySciTech products here (https://akinainc.com/polyscitech/products/polyvivo/referenced_by.php)
“Abstract: We
currently use Convection-Enhanced Delivery (CED) of the platinum-based drug,
carboplatin as a novel treatment strategy for high grade glioblastoma in adults
and children. Although initial results show promise, carboplatin is not
specifically toxic to tumour cells and has been associated with neurotoxicity
at high infused concentrations in pre-clinical studies. Our treatment strategy
requires intermittent infusions due to rapid clearance of carboplatin from the
brain. In this study, carboplatin was encapsulated in lactic acid-glycolic acid
copolymer (PLGA) to develop a novel drug delivery system. Neuronal and tumour
cytotoxicity were assessed in primary neuronal and glioblastoma cell cultures.
Distribution, tissue clearance and toxicity of carboplatin nanoparticles
following CED was assessed in rat and porcine models. Carboplatin nanoparticles
conferred greater tumour cytotoxicity, reduced neuronal toxicity and prolonged
tissue half-life. In conclusion, this drug delivery system has the potential to
improve the prognosis for patients with glioblastomas.”
generation protocol: “Carboplatin NP were
produced using the double—emulsion method (W1/O1/W2).
Briefly, 60 mg Poly (lactide-co-glicolide) (PLGA) (polymers with a 1:1
co-polymerization ratio ester ended (RG504 Mw 38-54KDa- Sigma-Aldrich, UK),
acid ended (RG504H, Mw 38-54KDa—Sigma-Aldrich, UK) and poly(lactic acid) (PLA
R203H Mw 18-24kDa- Sigma-Aldrich, UK) was dissolved in 2ml dichloromethane
/ethyl acetate (DCM/EA) (both Sigma-Aldrich, UK) (2:8 V/V, O1 phase)
and 0.7ml aqueous solution of carboplatin (10 mg/ml, W1 phase) (Accord Healthcare Limited, UK)
was emulsified in the PLGA solution using a micro-tip probe sonicator (Model VC
600, Sonics & materials Inc., UK) set at level 4 for 3 minutes. Level 4
corresponded to 20 kHz at 45 W cm-2,
and had been calibrated previously. Encapsulation and release of aqueous
components from sonochemically produced protein microspheres.
The primary (W1/O1) emulsion was transferred into 40 ml of
Polyvinyl alcohol- Mw 20 KDa (PVA) (MP Biomedicals, USA). 2.5% solution (W2 phase)
and the mixture was probe sonicated at level 4 for 5 minutes. The W1/O1/W2 emulsion
was agitated by a magnetic stirrer uncovered overnight at room temperature to
remove the organic solvent. In order to obtain particles with the desired
diameter, the particle solution was treated by centrifugation (Centrifuge
5804R, Eppendorf, UK) at 9000 rpm for 15 minutes which caused the large
particles to form a pellet while the smaller particles remained in the
supernatant. The pellet of large nanoparticles was discarded while
nanoparticles in the supernatant were collected and washed by
ultracentrifugation (40000rpm for 20 minutes, Motor type 70Ti/70.1Ti, L-80
ultracentrifuge, Beckman Coulter, UK). This pellet of nanoparticles was
re-suspended in water, freeze-dried and stored at -20°C for further usage. For
fluorescent carboplatin nanoparticles (fluorescein carboplatin NP), PLGA was
substituted with the mixture of PLGA (Mw 38-54KDa) and PLGA-Fluorescein end cap
copolymer (Mw 7KDa and 30K-40K, purchased from Polyscitech, AKINA, USA) with
the weight ratio of 9:1, and processed as described.”
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