Tuesday, December 14, 2021

PLGA from PolySciTech used in research on swelling of hydroxyapatite-PVA bone graft material


Bone graft materials are compounds and mixtures which provide a structure for bone cells (osteoblasts) to grow on and reform bone. This is a promising field of research for repairing bone after surgery or traumatic accident (car-crash, etc.). Recently, researchers at Universitas Brawijaya (Indonesia) used PLGA from PolySciTech (www.polyscitech.com) to create composite materials of hydroxyapatite-PVA-PLGA as a potential tissue graft and measure the resultant swelling as a means of determining the porosity and structure of the composites to evaluate their usage as bone graft material. This research holds promise to provide for improved tissue repair in the future. Istikharoh, Feni, Hidayat Sujuti, Edi Mustamsir, and Astika Swastirani. "Study on swelling behaviour of HANP/PVA composites with adding PLGA for alveolar ridge preservation." Journal of Dentomaxillofacial Science, v. 6, n. 3, p. 197-199, dec. 2021 https://jdmfs.org/index.php/jdmfs/article/view/998

“Objective: The aim of this study was to compare the swelling behaviour of Hand Polyvinyl Acetate/Polyvinyl alcohol (HANP/PVA) and HANP/PVA/Poly Lactic-co-Glycolic Acid (PLGA) composites. Material and Methods: This study was divided into 2 groups, HANP/PVA and HANP/PLGA/PVA composites which prepared by freeze drying methods. HANP 20% (w/w) was combined with PLGA 20% (w/w) and dissolved in PVA solution at 50oC. Swelling behaviour was obtained by measured initial weight (Wi) and the weight of composites after immersing in PBS pH 7.4; 37oC for 7 days (swollen weight (Ws)). Statistical analysis based on Independent T-test (p<0.05). Results: The Wi of HANP/PVA and HANP/PLGA/PVA composites are 467±4.73 and 292±9.52. The Ws of HANP/PVA and HANP/PLGA/PVA composites are 897±26.61 and 860±32.36. Furthermore, the water retention of HANP/PVA composite is 92.07% (p<0.05) and HANP/PLGA/PVA composite is 194.52% (p<0.05). Conclusion: The addition of PLGA enhance swelling behaviour of HANP/PVA composites. The strong interaction between HANP and PVA decrease the swelling re. HANP is inert in nature, but the combination of HANP/PLGA/PVA can be a good substitute for alveolar preservation.”

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