Wednesday, August 17, 2022

PLGA-PEG-COOH from PolySciTech used in development of monoclonal antibody delivery system for heart-disease treatment


Atherosclerosis (heart disease) is a common cause of death characterized by lesions which act to block blood flow through blood vessels in the heart. Part of the cause is overexpression of fibronectin components which lead to extensive remodeling and tissue ingrowth into the vessel lumen. Recently researchers at University of Genoa (Italy) and Universidade do Porto (Portugal) utilized (PLGA-PEG-COOH, Cat# AI076) from PolySciTech division of Akina ( to develop nanoparticles for delivery of Bevacizumab labelled with immunouteroglobin for targeted delivery. This research holds promise to improve treatments of heart disease in the future. Read more: Atanasio, Giulia De Negri, Pier Francesco Ferrari, Ana Baião, Patrizia Perego, Bruno Sarmento, Domenico Palombo, and Roberta Campardelli. "Bevacizumab encapsulation into PLGA nanoparticles functionalized with immunouteroglobin-1 as an innovative delivery system for atherosclerosis." International Journal of Biological Macromolecules (2022).

“Abstract: Atherosclerosis represents one of the main causes of death in the Western world. It is a multifactorial pathology characterized by lesions that reduce the lumen of the vessels causing serious clinical events. The extradomain-B of fibronectin is overexpressed during angiogenesis and in tissues undergoing growth and extensive remodeling, i.e., atherosclerotic plaque. Bevacizumab is a recombinant humanized monoclonal antibody that can play a role against the angiogenesis process reducing the risk associated with this process in atherosclerosis. In this work, an innovative drug delivery device for target delivery of bevacizumab to the atherosclerotic lesion is proposed. A production protocol for poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid)-polyethylene glycol nanoparticles loaded with bevacizumab and functionalized with immunouteroglobin-1 was designed. Once immunouteroglobin-functionalized nanoparticles were produced, they were characterized regarding morphology, mean diameter, ζ-potential, association and conjugation efficiencies, bevacizumab release profile both in phosphate buffered saline and in serum, bevacizumab stability after release, cytocompatibility, and hemocompatibility. Nanoparticle mean diameter was in the range of 217–265 nm, their surface charge was between −21 and − 8 mV, and the association and conjugation efficiency of about 76 and 59 %, respectively. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy analysis confirmed the functionalization of their surface with immunouteroglobin-1. In vitro assays showed that the studied nanoparticles were cytocompatible, once in contact with human endothelial and murine macrophages cell line up to 72 h, and hemocompatible, once in contact with red blood cells, at different concentrations of encapsulated BEV (0.1, 1, 10, and 100 μgBEV/mL).”

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