Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Block copolymers (PEG-PLGA, PEG-PLA, PEG-PCL) from PolySciTech used in systematic investigation on conditions of nanoparticle formation


Due to their dual-nature of hydrophilicity and hydrophobicity, block copolymers have the capacity to spontaneously form nanoparticles under the correct conditions. The mechanism by which nanoparticles form is driven by a complex mixture of interfacial interactions and physics. The various conditions under which the particles form have a significant impact on the particles formulation and behavior. Recently, researchers at The University of Adelaide, The University of Queensland (Australia), Zhejiang University (China) and Harvard University (USA) used PEG-PLGA (cat# AK010 and AK026), PEG-PLA (cat# AK168), and mPEG-PCL (cat# AK128) from PolySciTech division of Akina, Inc. (www.polyscitech.com) to create nanoparticles under controlled conditions and evaluated these in response to loading of model drugs and particle behavior. This research holds promise to improve the controlled formation of nanoparticles in the future. Read more: Yang, Guangze, Yun Liu, Song Jin, Yue Hui, Xing Wang, Letao Xu, Dong Chen, David Weitz, and Chun‐Xia Zhao. "Phase separation‐induced nanoprecipitation for making polymer nanoparticles with high drug loading." Aggregate: e314. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/agt2.314

“Increasing drug loading remains a critical challenge in the development and translation of nanomedicine. High drug-loading nanoparticles have demonstrated unique advantages such as less carrier material used, better-controlled drug release, and improved efficacy and safety. Herein, we report a simple and efficient salt concentration screening method for making polymer nanoparticles with exceptionally high drug loading (up to 66.5 wt%) based on phase separation-induced nanoprecipitation. Upon addition of salt, phase separation occurs in a miscible solvent-water solution delaying the precipitation time of drugs and polymers to different extents, facilitating their co-precipitation thus the formation of high drug-loading nanoparticles with high encapsulation efficiency (>90%) and excellent stability (>1 month). This technology is versatile and easy to be adapted to various hydrophobic drugs, different polymers, and solvents. This salt-induced nanoprecipitation strategy offers a novel approach to fabricating polymer nanoparticles with tunable drug loading, and opens great potentials for future nanomedicines. KEYWORDS drug loading, liquid-liquid phase separation, nanoparticles, nanoprecipitation, salt”

Video link: https://youtu.be/XTgAtYMVEq4

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