Monday, October 14, 2024

PLGA-PEG-Maleimide and PEG-PLGA used in development of nanoparticles for oral delivery of semaglutide


GLP1 agonists are widely used in treatment of diabetes and other disease states. These drugs have poor oral bioavailability. Researchers at Universidade do Porto, Novo Nordisk, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Roslagstullsbacken, University of Groningen used PLGA-PEG-Mal (AI110) and mPEG-PLGA (AK106) from PolySciTech Division of Akina, Inc. ( to develop nanoparticles to pass through the intestine to provide for oral delivery of semaglutide. This research holds promise to provide for improved treatment of diabetes. Read more: Pinto, Soraia, Juliana Viegas, Cecília Cristelo, Catarina Pacheco, Sofia Barros, Stephen T. Buckley, Javad Garousi, Torbjörn Gräslund, Hélder A. Santos, and Bruno Sarmento. "Bioengineered Nanomedicines Targeting the Intestinal Fc Receptor Achieve the Improved Glucoregulatory Effect of Semaglutide in a Type 2 Diabetic Mice Model." ACS nano (2024).

“The oral administration of the glucagon-like peptide-1 analogue, semaglutide, remains a hurdle due to its limited bioavailability. Herein, neonatal Fc receptor (FcRn)-targeted nanoparticles (NPs) were designed to enhance the oral delivery of semaglutide. The nanocarriers were covalently linked to the FcRn-binding peptide FcBP or the affibody molecule ZFcRn that specifically binds to the human FcRn (hFcRn) in a pH-dependent manner. These FcRn-targeted ligands were selected over the endogenous ligands of the receptor (albumin and IgG) due to their smaller size and simpler structure, which could facilitate the transport of functionalized NPs through the tissues. The capacity of FcRn-targeted semaglutide-NPs in controlling the blood glucose levels was evaluated in an hFcRn transgenic mice model, where type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) was induced via intraperitoneal injection of nicotinamide followed by streptozotocin. The encapsulation of semaglutide into FcRn-targeted NPs was translated in an improved glucoregulatory effect in T2DM-induced mice when compared to the oral free semaglutide or nontargeted NP groups, after daily oral administrations for 7 days. Notably, a similar glucose-lowering response was observed between both FcRn-targeted NPs and the subcutaneous semaglutide groups. An increase in insulin pancreatic content and a recovery in β cell mass were visualized in the mice treated with FcRn-targeted semaglutide-NPs. The biodistribution of fluorescently labeled NPs through the gastrointestinal tract demonstrated that the nanosystems targeting the hFcRn are retained longer in the ileum and colorectum, where the expression of FcRn is more prevalent, than nontargeted NPs. Therefore, FcRn-targeted nanocarriers proved to be an effective platform for improving the pharmacological effect of semaglutide in a T2DM-induced mice model.”

PEG-PLGA (Cat# AK106):

PLGA-PEG-Mal (Cat# AI110):

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