Tuesday, December 17, 2019

PLGA from PolySciTech used in development of autonomous drug-delivery system for cancer therapy

Making sure medicines get to the location they need to be for their function is the key goal of drug-delivery. There are many methods to do this with including several bio-inspired and advanced methodologies have been sought as part of this. Recently, researchers at Virginia Tech and University of Oklahoma used PLGA (PolyVivo AP082) from PolySciTech (www.polyscitech.com) in their research on developing autonomous drug-delivery carriers. This research holds promise to provide for improved therapies against cancer and other diseases. Read more: Zhan, Ying, Austin Fergusson, Lacey R. McNally, Richey M. Davis, and Bahareh Behkam. "Effect of Assembly Method on Nanoparticle Attachment Density, Growth Rate, and Motility of Nanoscale Bacteria Enabled Autonomous Drug Delivery System (NanoBEADS)." bioRxiv (2019): 867101. (https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/867101v1.abstract)

"Abstract: Microbial-mediated drug delivery systems have the potential to significantly enhance the efficacy of nanomedicine for cancer therapy through improved specificity and interstitial transport. The Nanoscale Bacteria-Enabled Autonomous Drug Delivery System (NanoBEADS) is a bacteria-based bio-hybrid drug delivery system designed to carry nanotherapeutics cargo deep into poorly vascularized cancerous tissue. The effect of bacteria-nanoparticle conjugation method and NanoBEADS assembly parameters (i.e., mixing method, volume, and duration) was investigated to maximize particle attachment density. The nanoparticle attachment capacity, viability, growth rate and motility of the original NanoBEADS and an antibody-free variant NanoBEADS were characterized and compared. It is found that the assembly parameters affect the attachment outcome and the binding mechanism impacts the attachment number, the growth rate and motility of NanoBEADS. The NanoBEADS platform provides an opportunity to load nanoparticles with different materials and sizes for applications beyond cancer therapy, such as imaging agents for high resolution medical imaging."

- Save-the-date: Akina, Inc's third annual Biotech-Pharma-Cancer-Research (BPCR) conference is August 26 at Kurz Purdue Technology Center (KPTC).

- Notice: Akina, Inc. will be closed December 24th through January 1st for the holidays. Orders placed during this time will be processed when we re-open on Thursday, January 2, 2020.

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